Functional Stream for Factorians

Functional Stream for Factorians About Me Senior scala developer Toying with scala since 2016 Joining Zendesk Introduction – Factorio Backpressure Backpressure Backpressure FS2 Let’s get started Mining Drill import fs2.Stream val mineIron: IO[IronOre] = for { _ <- IO.sleep(2.second) _ <- log("Produced 1 Iron ore") } yield IronOre() def ironMiningDrill: Stream[IO, IronOre] = Stream....

January 27, 2021 · 3 min · Kévin Rauscher

Automate your work

Automate your work – What is automation ? – Note: Automation is the way by which we make a machine do our work with minimal human assistance. At the moment, machine time is cheap while human time is expensive Human time is better spent on valuable tasks rather than mindless procedures Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance....

September 8, 2019 · 4 min · Kévin Rauscher

Scala Schemas with Shapeless

Scala Schema with Shapeless Disclaimers – All the code does actually compile Thanks to mdoc (kudo to @olafurpg & @jvican) – This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. What this talk is not about ? Recursion Schemes – What this talk about ? Manipulating constructs at the type level Note: ground-up introduction realworld/concrete example –...

December 26, 2018 · 10 min · Kévin Rauscher

Scala Continuous Integration with GitLab

Ma CI avec SBT et GitLab (-CI) Kévin Rauscher • @tomahna Agenda Qu’attend-on d’une CI GitLab & GitLab CI SBT et ses plugins Qu’attend-on d’une CI – Simple Notifications claires Rapide & Scalable Polyvalente Gitlab The leading integrated product for the entire software development lifecycle. Gitlab-CI – Tache Tache hello: # <-- création de la tache "test" script: # <-- corps de la tache - echo "Hello PSUG" –...

December 21, 2017 · 4 min · Kévin Rauscher