# Scala Schema
## with Shapeless
## Disclaimers
### All the code does actually compile
#### Thanks to mdoc (kudo to @olafurpg & @jvican)
> This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
### What this talk is not about ?
Recursion Schemes <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### What this talk about ?
Manipulating constructs at the type level <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- ground-up introduction
- realworld/concrete example
## Agenda
- motivation
- schema
- case classes manipulation at the type level
### The project
##### relatively modern stack
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- microservices <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- JSON/REST APIs <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- NoSQL database <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- Kafka for events <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### The project
- lots of communication
- lots of (de)serialization
### User
- first / last name
- age
- creation date
- permissions
### User
case class User(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
age: Int,
creationDate: Long,
permissions: List[String]
#### Read from DB / Write to API
import play.api.libs.json._
val userWrites = new Writes[User] {
override def writes(u: User): JsValue =
"firstName" -> u.lastName,
"lastName" -> u.firstName,
"age" -> u.creationDate,
"creationDate" -> u.creationDate,
"permisions" -> u.permissions
import java.time.Instant.now
val donald =
User("Donald", "Duck", 85, now.toEpochMilli, Nil)
### Oops
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
// {
// "firstName" : "Duck",
// "lastName" : "Donald",
// "age" : 1651670154078,
// "creationDate" : 1651670154078,
// "permisions" : [ ]
// }
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
### Generated Writes
val userAutoWrites = Json.writes[User]
// {
// "firstName" : "Donald",
// "lastName" : "Duck",
// "age" : 85,
// "creationDate" : 1651670154078,
// "permissions" : [ ]
// }
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
#### What if we remove a field from the code ?
##### We can break compatibility
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
#### What if we stored our passwords
#### in our user ?
No problem
case class UserWithPassword(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
age: Int,
creationDate: Long,
permissions: List[String],
password: String
val mickey =
UserWithPassword("Mickey", "Mouse", 91, now.toEpochMilli, Nil, "azerty")
val userWPWAutoWrites = Json.writes[UserWithPassword]
#### Oops
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
// {
// "firstName" : "Mickey",
// "lastName" : "Mouse",
// "age" : 91,
// "creationDate" : 1651670154536,
// "permissions" : [ ],
// "password" : "azerty"
// }
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
#### Automatically generated code is evil !
##### Or is it ?
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Coupling is evil
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Maybe we need a schema ?
## Schema
> The word schema comes from the Greek word σχήμα (skhēma), which means shape, or more generally, plan.
### In databases
> In a relational database, the schema defines the tables, the fields in each table, and the relationships between fields and tables.
### Schema
So, let's simplify, a schema is:
- A way to define data with constraints
- A way to define relationships in our data
#### With types, we can
- model and constraint our data
- case classes
- base types (String, Int, Boolean, ...)
- define relationships
- inheritances
- composition
#### Types are a way to define schema
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Schema Evolution (in Avro)
#### Operations
- add (optional) fields <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- delete (optional) field <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- modify (optional) field <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
#### Backward compatible
> Backward compatibility means that consumers using the new schema can read data produced with the previous schema.
#### Backward compatible
We can automatically find a function v1 => v2
#### Backward compatible operations
- delete fields
- add, delete or modify optional fields
#### Forward compatible
> Forward compatibility means that data produced with a new schema can be read by consumers using the previous schema
#### Forward compatible compatible
We can automatically find a function v2 => v1
#### Forward compatible operations
- add field
- add, delete or modify optional fields
### Decoupling Business and API
case class UserDomain(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
age: Int,
creationDate: Long,
permissions: List[String],
password: String
<!-- .element: id="left" -->
case class GetUserAPI(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
age: Int,
creationDate: Long,
permissions: List[String]
<!-- .element: id="right" -->
def toUserDomain(u: UserDomain): GetUserAPI =
val UAPIWrites = Json.writes[GetUserAPI]
val minnie = UserDomain(
"Minnie", "Mouse", 91, now.toEpochMilli, Nil, "azerty"
// {
// "firstName" : "Minnie",
// "lastName" : "Mouse",
// "age" : 91,
// "creationDate" : 1651670154558,
// "permissions" : [ ]
// }
### It works !
#### with tons of boilerplate
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
#### Why can't the compiler do that for us ?
## Transforming Data with shapeless
### Goal
- Done at compile time
- Typesafe
- Minimal amount of boilerplate
#### Compile time "runtimes" in scala
- macros <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- implicits <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Implicits
- context
- extension method
- composition
### Recursion
#### List
sealed trait MyList[T]
case object MyNil extends MyList[Nothing]
case class MyCons[T](h: T, t: MyList[T]) extends MyList[T]
#### List Length
def length[T](l: List[T]): Int = l match {
case Nil => 0
case h :: t => 1 + length(t)
length(List(1, 2, 3))
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index=1 -->
1 + length(List(2, 3))
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index=3 data-code-focus="3" data-code-block="1" -->
1 + 1 + length(List(3))
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index=3 data-code-focus="3" data-code-block="1" -->
1 + 1 + 1 + length(Nil)
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-code-focus="2" data-code-block="1" -->
val r = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0
// r: Int = 3
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
#### Can we do it at compile time ?
- no we can't, not like this
- the compiler does not have enough information
#### Statically sized list
sealed trait SList[+H]
case object SNil extends SList[Nothing]{
def ::[H](h: H) = new ::(h, this)
case class ::[H, T <: SList[H]](h: H, t: T) extends SList[H]{
def ::(h: H) = new ::(h, this)
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: SNil
// res10: Int :: Int :: Int :: SNil.type = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: SNil
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil
// res11: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
#### Typelevel length
case class Size[T](size: Int)
object Size {
def apply[T](implicit s: Size[T]) = s
##### Typelevel length
implicit val SNilSize: Size[SNil.type] = Size(0)
implicit def sconsSize[H, T <: SList[H]](
implicit l: Size[T]
): Size[H :: T] = Size(1 + l.size)
Size[Int :: Int :: Int :: SNil.type].size
// res12: Int = 3
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
sconsSize[Int, Int :: Int :: SNil.type](
Size[Int :: Int :: SNil.type]
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-code-block="2" data-code-focus="1-4" -->
sconsSize[Int, Int :: Int :: SNil.type](
sconsSize(Size[Int :: SNil.type])
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-code-block="2" data-code-focus="1-4" -->
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-code-block="2" data-code-focus="1-4" -->
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-code-block="1" data-code-focus="1" -->
#### Implicits composition behaves like recursion and pattern matching on types
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Transform Typeclass
trait Transform[A, B] {
def to(a: A): B
object Transform{
def apply[A, B](implicit t: Transform[A, B]) = t
### Let's start simple
- Only field deletions
- Same field types
### How would we do it at runtime ?
### Let's define our types
sealed trait RType
case object RInt extends RType
case object RString extends RType
case object RBoolean extends RType
type RTuple = List[RType]
### Now let's generate our fake transform
def to(a: RTuple, b: RTuple): RTuple = (a, b) match {
case (_, Nil) => Nil
case (ha :: ta, hb :: tb) if ha == hb => ha :: to(ta, tb)
case (ha :: ta, b) => to(ta, b)
1. Base case, b is complete <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-code-focus="2" -->
2. Heads do match <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-code-focus="3" -->
2. Heads do not match <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-code-focus="4" -->
### Does it work ?
to(RInt :: Nil, RInt :: Nil)
// res18: RTuple = List(RInt)
to(RInt :: RString :: Nil, RInt :: Nil)
// res19: RTuple = List(RInt)
to(RString :: Nil, RInt :: Nil)
// scala.MatchError: (List(),List(RInt)) (of class scala.Tuple2)
// at repl.MdocSession$App17.to(scala-schema-wshapeless.md:330)
// at repl.MdocSession$App17.to(scala-schema-wshapeless.md:333)
// at repl.MdocSession$App17$$anonfun$30.apply(scala-schema-wshapeless.md:350)
// at repl.MdocSession$App17$$anonfun$30.apply(scala-schema-wshapeless.md:350)
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
#### Yes !
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Let's do this at the type level ?
### HList to the rescue
sealed trait HList
case class ::[H, T <: MyHList](head: H, tail: T) extends HList
case object HNil extends HList
import shapeless._
1 :: "hello" :: true :: HNil
// res20: Int :: String :: Boolean :: HNil = 1 :: "hello" :: true :: HNil
Generic[(Int, String, Boolean)]
.to((1, "hello", true))
// res21: Int :: String :: Boolean :: HNil = 1 :: "hello" :: true :: HNil
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Our base case
import shapeless._
implicit def HNilTransform[T]: Transform[T, HNil] =
_ => HNil
Transform[String :: Int :: HNil, HNil]
.to("hello" :: 1 :: HNil)
// res22: HNil = HNil
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Head matches
implicit def HeadMatchTransform[
TailOfA <: HList,
TailOfB <: HList
implicit t: Transform[TailOfA, TailOfB]
): Transform[Head :: TailOfA, Head :: TailOfB] =
a => a.head :: t.to(a.tail)
Transform[String :: Int :: HNil, String :: Int :: HNil]
.to("Bob" :: 42 :: HNil)
// res23: String :: Int :: HNil = "Bob" :: 42 :: HNil
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Head do not match
import shapeless._
implicit def HeadDoNotMatchTransform[
TailOfA <: HList,
TailOfB <: HList
implicit t: Transform[TailOfA, HeadOfB :: TailOfB]
): Transform[HeadOfA :: TailOfA, HeadOfB :: TailOfB] =
a => t.to(a.tail)
Transform[String :: Int :: HNil, Int :: HNil]
.to("Bob" :: 42 :: HNil)
// res24: Int :: HNil = 42 :: HNil
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Great ! But what about case classes ?
#### Well they are not so special
case class Tag(tag: String, t: RType) extends RType
Tag("age", RInt) :: Tag("name", RString) :: Nil,
Tag("name", RString) :: Nil
// res25: RTuple = List(Tag("name", RString))
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
Tag("age", RInt) :: Tag("name", RString) :: Nil,
Tag("nam", RString) :: Nil
// scala.MatchError: (List(),List(Tag(nam,RString))) (of class scala.Tuple2)
// at repl.MdocSession$App17.to(scala-schema-wshapeless.md:330)
// at repl.MdocSession$App17.to(scala-schema-wshapeless.md:333)
// at repl.MdocSession$App17.to(scala-schema-wshapeless.md:333)
// at repl.MdocSession$App17$$anonfun$38.apply(scala-schema-wshapeless.md:451)
// at repl.MdocSession$App17$$anonfun$38.apply(scala-schema-wshapeless.md:449)
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
## Labelled Generics
case class Labelled(param1: Int, param2: String)
.to(Labelled(1, "Hello"))
// res26: Int with labelled.KeyTag[Symbol with tag.Tagged[param1], Int] :: String with labelled.KeyTag[Symbol with tag.Tagged[param2], String] :: HNil = 1 :: "Hello" :: HNil
### Case classes transformation
implicit def ccTransform[A, ReprA, B, ReprB](
implicit genA: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, ReprA],
genB: LabelledGeneric.Aux[B, ReprB],
transform: Transform[ReprA, ReprB]
): Transform[A, B] =
a => genB.from(transform.to(genA.to(a)))
case class UserDomain(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
age: Int,
creationDate: Long,
permissions: List[String],
password: String
<!-- .element: id="left" -->
case class GetUserAPI(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
age: Int,
creationDate: Long,
permissions: List[String]
<!-- .element: id="right" -->
import java.time.Instant.now
val donald = UserDomain(
"Donald", "Duck", 85, now.toEpochMilli, Nil, "azerty"
Transform[UserDomain, GetUserAPI].to(donald)
// res27: GetUserAPI = GetUserAPI("Donald", "Duck", 85, 1651670154690L, List())
### Automatic wraping / unwraping
implicit def optionTransform[A]: Transform[A, Option[A]] =
a => Option(a)
case class UserId(value: String)
implicit val userIdTransform: Transform[UserId, String] =
a => a.value
### Automatic wraping / unwraping
implicit def HeadMatchWTransform[
TailOfA <: HList,
TailOfB <: HList,
implicit hT: Transform[HeadOfA, HeadOfB],
tT: Transform[TailOfA, TailOfB]
): Transform[HeadOfA :: TailOfA, HeadOfB :: TailOfB] =
a => hT.to(a.head) :: tT.to(a.tail)
Transform[String :: Int :: HNil, Option[Int] :: HNil]
.to("hello" :: 1 :: HNil)
// res28: Option[Int] :: HNil = Some(1) :: HNil
## So right to production ?
### With this you will have...
- a compiler to keep you warm in winter <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
- overhead going to and from HLists <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
- definitely helpful error messages <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" -->
case class UserMisorderedBis(
age: Int,
lastName: String,
creationDate: Long,
Transform[User, UserMisorderedBis]
// error: not found: type User
// Transform[User, UserMisorderedBis]
// ^^^^
<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" -->
### What about if we mess with field order
case class UserMisordered(
age: Int,
lastName: String,
creationDate: Long,
permissions: List[String]
Transform[UserDomain, UserMisordered].to(donald)
// error: could not find implicit value for parameter t: App2.this.Transform[App2.this.UserDomain,App2.this.UserMisordered]
// Transform[UserDomain, UserMisordered].to(donald)
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Use chimney !
case class UserMisorderedBis(
age: Int,
fullName: String,
creationDate: Long,
legacyUser: Boolean
import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl._
// error: Chimney can't derive transformation from App2.this.UserDomain to App2.this.UserMisorderedBis
// repl.MdocSession.App2.UserMisorderedBis
// fullName: java.lang.String - no accessor named fullName in source type repl.MdocSession.App2.UserDomain
// legacyUser: scala.Boolean - no accessor named legacyUser in source type repl.MdocSession.App2.UserDomain
// Consult https://scalalandio.github.io/chimney for usage examples.
// donald.transformInto[UserMisorderedBis]
// ^
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl._
_.fullName, u => u.firstName + " " + u.lastName
.withFieldConst(_.legacyUser, true)
// res32: UserMisorderedBis = UserMisorderedBis(
// 85,
// "Donald Duck",
// 1651670154690L,
// true
// )
### Wrap Up
- Avoid coupling <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- Write more types <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- Derive all the things ! <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
### Going Further
- [The Type Astronaut's Guide to Shapeless](https://books.underscore.io/shapeless-guide/shapeless-guide.html)
- [Massaging case classes with shapeless](https://www.signifytechnology.com/blog/2018/10/massaging-case-classes-with-shapeless-by-chris-birchall-at-scala-in-the-city)
- [Chimney](https://scalalandio.github.io/chimney/)
## Thank you ! Any questions ?
###### Slides: [bit.ly/2TL6QJu](https://bit.ly/2TL6QJu)
Kévin Rauscher • [`@tomahna`](https://twitter.com/tomahna)
### Bonus
### Handling field order
import shapeless.ops.hlist.Selector
implicit def ContainTransform[
A <: HList,
TailOfB <: HList
implicit select: Selector[A, HeadOfB],
t: Transform[A, TailOfB]
): Transform[A, HeadOfB :: TailOfB] =
a => select(a) :: t.to(a)
case class UserMisordered(
age: Int,
lastName: String,
creationDate: Long,
permissions: List[String]
Transform[UserDomain, UserMisordered].to(donald)
// res33: UserMisordered = UserMisordered(85, "Duck", 1651670154690L, List())
## Thank you ! Any questions ?
###### Slides: [bit.ly/2TL6QJu](https://bit.ly/2TL6QJu)
Kévin Rauscher • [`@tomahna`](https://twitter.com/tomahna)