Career Profile
I'm a Senior Scala Engineer who enjoys functional programming. I also know my ways around automation, monitoring and operation. If your team is striving at technical excellency, then we might be good fits for each other.
- Scala Akka
- Kubernetes
Inside the back-end services team, our goal is to offer services to other ledger projects and enable them to offer the best services for cryptocurrencies. A few example of such services would be blockchain explorers, countervalues and the ability to swap cryptocurrencies.
- Scala Http4s Cats FS2 Circe
- Datadog
- Github
In a large micro-service application, the Merchant Service Hub, I've had to maintain, upgrade and improve the current platform along with 6 back-end developer. I pushed and enforced functional best practices through training and pair review. I had to update and redesign our automation around code and infrastructure in order to make the overall application more maintainable. In addition, I also participated actively in the redesign and implementation of several key components such as authentication with OAuth and Two Factor.
- Scala Play 2 Http4s Cats FS2 Circe Monocle
- MicroServices Mesos Marathon
- Kafka ElasticSearch Couchbase
- Ansible Terraform
- GitLab GitLab-CI
The Data team had the objective to offer a recommender system to SeLoger's clients. With this goal in mind, we industrialized the pipeline ingesting tracking data of the site, preparing the data and exposing the recomender algorithm results.
- Scala Spark Play 2 Circe
- Hortonworks Yarn Airflow
- GitLab GitLab-CI Ansible
- Telegraf InfluxDB Grafana
Actiondesk is a startup project that aims to automate enterprises business processes. It's goal is to enable connecting, without code, internal data sources and SAAS tools. It aims to make business teams independent.
- Scala Play 2 Akka Kafka
- ScalaJS ScalaJS-React
- Debian PostgreSQL Docker
- GitLab GitLab-CI
BIPE Rating evaluates rate the health of companies. It allows financial investors to evaluate risk and find new prospects. In the BIPE Rating team, my missions are of various nature. They range from developing new functions to putting the application in production. In a constant search for quality, I set up many tools. I enriched the software factory with continuous integration pipelines. I also set up tools for software quality and test coverage visualisation. I set up a monitoring stack. At last, I also assist the BIPE Rating team in its recruitment process.
- Scala Play 2 Guice Slick
- AngularJS JQuery Bootstrap
- Ubuntu PostgreSQL Docker
- Telegraf InfluxDB Grafana
- GitLab GitLab-CI
BeC3 is a conception and execution system for distributed logic in the Internet Of Things. It differs from existing solution by it's agile architecture. It places business logic closest to object and minimize network exchanges. In the three man BeC3 team, i contributed to refactor and extend the application. With the objectiv of creating a project maintainable by a small team, I contributed to migrate the Back-End to the Play Framework. I also conceived a big part of the current application architecture in order to minimize the amount of different technologies used. I set up a software factory with continuous delivery pipelines. I also wrote unit tests and set up tools for monitoring the overall code quality and code coverage
- Java Play 2 Guice Ebean
- Debian XMPP
- GitLab GitLab-CI Jenkins Sonar
In the architecture cell and then in the Telecom and Media section, i contributed to several projects for major actors in Telecom and insurance. I've been lead developer and architects' support for the Multirisque Entreprise project for Allianz. I adapted an existing platform to serve as a proof of concept for an application store for Orange. I contributed to a pre-sale for tools of business process management for Monaco Telecom
- Java/JEE Spring Hibernate
- AngularJS Bootstrap
- Activiti
NixPkgs (Contributor) - A collection of packages for Nixos, the functional Operating System